Skin and Hair Post Treatment Care:

You can resume regular physical activities as tolerated.

Drink LOTS of fluids (water) the first 24 hours.

Avoid drinking alcohol to facilitate hepatic handling of toxins.

Results from treatment can often be noticed after the 2nd or 3rd session, about 4 to 5 weeks after your last treatment depending on your metabolism and body type.

Evidence of mild skin retraction may begin to appear in 10-14 days post-injection.

Lipodissolve does not work on about 5% of patients.

Skin may feel dry and tight, this is quite normal. Please use extra moisturizer

AVOID electrolysis, waxing, and bleaching (face) for 5 days

Do NOT swim in chlorinated water for 3-5 days

AVOID excessive exercise immediately after procedure

Make up can be applied, mineral sunscreen is recommended.




You will note some redness, stinging, & burning within 15 minutes to 2 hours after treatment, and later

Swelling and bruising, which peaks between 6-72 hours.

Do NOT wash or take a shower for at least 8 hours after treatment.

Arnica gel applied three times a day x 48 hours will help resolve bruising.  Sublingual Arnica 30 may also be used.  This can be purchased from any health food store.

Do NOT take anti-inflammatories (aspirin, ibuprofen, etc.) or Vitamin E for 24 hours after injections.

You may use general painkillers (e.g. Tylenol) for any discomfort or use any prescription medications given to you.

Hot tubs, saunas, Jacuzzis, and massages are NOT recommended for 48 hours after treatment.

AFTER 48 hours, hot baths or showers are recommended to assist in the healing.

 Avoid direct sun exposure, tanning beds, heat for about two weeks after undergoing this procedure. Always use recommended sun protection

 Avoid any bathing in oceans or open water (outdoor) for at least a week after treatment.


If mesotherapy was done for lipodissolve:

Massaging the treated area for about 15 minutes per day for two weeks after treatment will aid to process the fat elimination.

Walking 20-30 minutes daily during the course of the treatment will aid in effectiveness.

 Avoid any strenuous exercise (anything that would cause you to sweat or increase your heart rate) for 48 hours after injections.


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